Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Declaration

I had a conversation tonight that has my heart beating in anticipation of what is to come. As I sat in a crowded restaurant with a friend we talked about the Holy Spirit. I know that there are lots of things that I have yet to experience with the Holy Spirit. In the Bible it speaks of gifts of the spirit, you know, speaking in tongues, prophesying, healing...you get the point. While this conversation was happening I made this statement, "I will see demons cast out, I will see people healed..."and as I paused the Holy Spirit showed up. My friend looked at me and began to speak a word of prophesy over me. As I spoke those things there was a spirit of timidity and uncertainty. Would God really allow me to see these things? Am I ready for this? Am I worthy of the miraculous? At that moment the Holy Spirit stepped in and began to speak. I shouldn't speak of those things and wonder if I'm really capable, I should make them my declaration! It is my declaration that through the power of Jesus living within me I WILL see demons flee. I WILL see people healed. I WILL speak words of prophesy over people. I WILL!

This Easter season, I'm not just focused on the resurrection. I'm remembering that Jesus said we would do far greater things than He did...when's the last time we really let that soak in? He healed the blind...he cast out demons...he did the miraculous. That means I (you too) can do the miraculous, even more than we see Jesus doing. So, that's my Holy Spirit moment of the day. Wow, God is good. I can't wait to be part of what He's got planned!!!

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